An online Egyptian Mystery School devoted to Awakening through the Akashic Mysteries.
Halls of Akasa is a community of Mystery Initiates devoted to the Ancient and Always. Our pre-dynastic lineages dates back 7 generations through Egypt, Atlantis, and Sirius. These teachings have been passed down and protected to be utilized by those souls destined to lead through light in the Ascension.
The current lineage holder Andye Murphy leads and teaches through the Mystery joyously igniting those who are ready to re-member.
It is the destiny of humanity to Ascend, to become Enlightened beings. The ancients left us keys and teachings to aid us in our path of re-membering. Mystery Schools hold the sacred access points to our Awakening.
These are Mystery teachings not out of elitism but as an act of protecting the potency of the wisdom within.
For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. The goal of the Mystery School is to present the core concepts of ancient wisdom that has been forgotten. It is through Initiations, your lived experiences, that activate you at a cellular level.
Andye has worked within the Akashic for over 20 years. Initiated into the Egyptian Mystery School in 2008, she brings forth the untold history of the Akashic that will support the Ascension.
From Andye: "I amplify the frequency of light within you, activating the living transmission of the wisdom of the divine. I unlock pure joy, love, and pleasure that carry into your everyday reality. I serve through divine joy and know it to be the truth of our reality. Walking the Mystery and turning you the heck on is my highest service."
If you're feeling the call. Come on in, lover.
Inside you'll find 6 free Mystery School Initiations plus access to our bi-weekly Meditations to the Void.
When you're ready to get fully turned on... there are 4 full Mystery School Initiations you can access via replay any darn time.
- Activate : A 3 month Akashic Mystery School
- Djedi Training : the 101 of Egyptian Magick
- Joy is Your Destiny : a 1 month Activation in your Bliss
- Dream School : a 3 month journey to Become the Divine in Form